If you are on this page, it’s because you need your business to have a pretty face to show online. A fast, intuitive website that appears in the search results is the best online marketing tool that you can have.
You are in good hands. We have created many webpages at Ohmycode and over the years we have been polishing the development times and resources used to create the webpages so that they are adapted to the needs of each client.
Whether you need a corporate website, such as an online shop or a more complex custom development project, you are in the right place. At Ohmycode, when we design a website, we think of the best way of doing it so that it is both attractive and effective. The websites that we design offer a good navigation experience, adapt to mobile devices and are optimised for SEO. We make webpages to help you achieve your objectives.
We adapt to either agile or the most exhaustive methodologies. Tell us what you need and we will support you.
And once your website is finished, don’t worry, you won’t be alone. We have maintenance and support plans so that everything always runs smoothly.
What types of websites and applications do we do?
Web portals
Effective web portals to manage information for companies and institutions.
Intranets and extranets
Custom back office development with an attractive and easy-to-use interface.
Custom web programming
We bring your website project to life, advising you throughout the whole process.
Corporative websites
Websites for companies that convey a powerful brand image.
Online shops
Attractive e-commerce shops, easy to administrate with secure payment gateways.
Microsites and landing pages
Eye catching designs to promote your services and products.
Institutional websites
Institutional websites that enable fast content management.
Virtual catalogues
Easy to administrate virtual catalogues of quality products.
Ens agrada treballar amb Wordpress, Wordpress Multisite i Prestashop. Amb aquestes tecnologies podem encarregar-nos del desenvolupament web de la majoria de llocs. Si el teu projecte requereix de coses molt específiques, millor explica'ns els detalls i parlem per fer un desenvolupament web a mida que respongui a les teves necessitats.
Si necessites un portal web o un desenvolupament web a mida, compta amb nosaltres. Som desenvolupadors amb molta experiència i ens agraden els reptes. Una vegada ens expliquis quin és el teu projecte i plantegen la seva estructura, ens posarem a la feina per programar-la i dotar-la de totes les funcionalitats. Per la programació dinàmica fem servir sobretot llenguatge PHP i bases de dades MySQL, per la programació estàtica fem servir HTML, CSS, JavaScript i AJAX. Usa les nostres habilitats per tenir una web millor que la dels teus competidors.
En cas que necessitis un desenvolupament a mida de back-end per gestionar dades, automatitzar processos o augmentar la productivitat, fes una ullada a tot el que et podem oferir tant en aquest camp com en la integració de sistemes.
Every website development project consists of at least the following stages:
Escoltar... Identificació de requisits
We listen to your needs and work on them together with you. Dialogue is fundamental to fully understand your project, objectives and your target audience.
Thinking... Conceptualisation and analysis
We conceptualise your requirements, analyse them and bring them to life, assessing what technologies and solutions suit your project. Investing time at this stage will save us headaches later.
Creating... Graphic design
We put the project design on paper (or on a screen) to check with you that it satisfies the business requirements. We like to create websites from scratch, but we know that sometimes this is not possible due to resource issues. If this is the case, we can always use templates that adapt to your needs and that we have already seen work well with us.
Working... Implementation and website development
We start with the technical development, focusing on quality. It is never good to rush.
Testing... Tests and changes
Every project requires a customer testing stage, and changes always arise. Our budgets always include this stage, which is necessary to polish the finishing touches, or detect and correct something that may have escaped the notice of our team. We are only human!
Launching... Start up
If everything is ok, we move to launch the project so that everyone can enjoy your website.